Precious Woodley, M.Ed
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer


I believe the best testimonials come directly from the clients who made the choice to choose Coach P to be apart of their wellness journey. I only hope to continue to grow and inspire others one day at a time. May these testimonials bring you a step closer to starting your wellness journeys or the push to keep you going!

Your Favorite Plus Size Trainer: Coach P


Amanda's Transformation

Hi, my name is Amanda. In 2017, I was placed on birth control. Over the course of the last three years, I managed to gain up to 75 pounds. It put a huge negative impact on my life by being teased because of my weight and friends refusing to hang out with me because I was the “chubby girl.” I blamed my mother for putting me on birth control but most importantly, I blame myself for being so lazy & unmotivated. 

Fast forward to August 2020, I took a Miami with a few of my friends. I wasn’t comfortable at all the whole trip! I was wore black or covered all my swimming suits with a big black tank top(pic provided). I cried! I felt like my trip was a waste of time and a waste of money.

When I got home my mindset changed. I started cleaning my kitchen out and throwing all starchy food, sodas, red meats and any condiments away. I started naturally detoxing to get all the toxins out by drinking a gallon of water a day. Additional I detox for seven days & finally got a gym membership. I went every morning from 6 AM to 7 AM Monday through Friday like a routine for me; well it became a routine for me! I would do the same set of exercises everyday. I did this for about 6 months to a year on and off and I lost about 40 pounds. I felt great, always had a boost of energy and it made me feel motivated knowing I was consistent.  After a while, I started to notice I wasn’t losing weight in the right places. in my opinion. I was only losing weight in my arms, neck and legs. I blamed my body shape but I didn’t give up I was still eating healthy and exercising just not as much as when u started. 

After a lot of researching, I noticed what’s happening to my body is normal for some people, which lead to my conclusion to get body contouring surgery. Even after having my consult, securing a date with a down payment, I still trying to lose as much weight as I can before hand. That’s when I was recommended to Coach P.

I met with her for a meet & greet, I told her about my past weight loss results and my goals for why I’m here today. She was very open to hear about my journey and gave me the motivation I needed. I booked for a month session and every session day I felt a sign of relief! I felt myself getting stronger and more focus mentally and physically. She gave me that extra push I needed and by the time my surgery came up I lost a total of 30 pounds ! 

I do encourage others to take that extra step and choose training where you will have side by side motivation from someone who believes in you and will push you to the limit! Don’t get me wrong big box gyms are okay but in order to receive the results you want, I do recommend hiring a personal trainer because you will only push yourself until your tired at the gym; a trainer will push you until your goals are met! My results are amazing before and after surgery and I’m very happy with the outcome!